Some photos...

The wedding was obviously a "country wedding" (complete with haybales in the church). All in all, it was nice to see our mother happy for a change.
(I actually enjoyed getting "gussied up" in the cowboy garb for the wedding. However, the hat was borrowed, the boots were borrowed, and the pants I bought were given to my grandfather...the only thing I have left is the 10 dollar belt.)

Searching for cliches, two things come to mind: "That's what it's all about..." and "Why fathers own shotguns." (note to self)
But seriously, they are amazingly beautiful; indicators of God's amazing hand at work in our lives. The emotions evoked by even a photo is unexplainable.

David was running around with the camera, taking videos and photos of everybody and himself. He is, to say the very least, a "ham." His intelligent sense of humor never ceases to bring a smile to my face!
He still tells this one: "What kind of bees have milk? Answer: Boobies
"...back when people around here wanted to make us senators..."
Good call, Dee-wayne. Check the next post...just for you.
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