some things I want to know_Part 4
7. Peeves (making you want to curse, spit, or flip the bird at someone)?
Gaps in traffic as people turn at a signal. People who don’t use signals especially in heavy traffic.
Racism, Hypocrisy, Close Minded People.
Hatred, Racism, Xenophobia, Propaganda, Self-Righteousness, Arrogance, Narrow mindedness, Manipulation & People who are fake. I am trying to show God's love to these people as well, but it is not always easy.
Christians without convictions. Christ stood up to the culture.
Also, when people say that Bobby Cox is a terrible manager. The man is brilliant. A wife beater yes; but he is a brilliant baseball manager. Who would you rather be: A Marlins fan with 2 World Series championships and a terrible franchise or a Braves fan with 1 championship, 14 division titles, and a stable franchise? I’ll take the Braves!
(1) Racism (especially that “look over my shoulder before you make a comment—‘I ain’t uh racist, but’” stupidity that lingers around here”); (2) people whose importance in life is dictated by their rank or position; (3) superficiality; (4) ungrateful customers; (5) SMACKING (sorry for yelling); (6) my wife messing with my belly button; (7) walking with a full, uncovered coffee cup; (8)my wife popping gum while I’m trying to FRIGGIN DRIVE! (9) when you iron your clothes for 30 minutes and notice no effect on the wrinkles; (10) my kids whining; (11) my dad taking a crap with the bathroom door open; (12) my brother-in-law walking around the house with all of us there in his friggin underwear and his “TITTIES (no offense…)” hanging out; (13) my brother stripping his towel less than 2 inches from my face and farting a semi-moist fart while I was watching TV; (14) telemarketers who call EVER and insurance agents who call after 6 pm…to name a few
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